I hesitated whether to post about this…My posts are usually
light-hearted accounts of life on the ranch.
This one, not so much.
Some of you may know and some of you may not know, but I have
been diagnosed with breast cancer.
It sounds shocking, and it is really. I am young and
healthy, I eat a fairly good diet, my life is mostly low-stress. Yes, I like to
drink a few beers. Yes, I love
cheeseburgers, fries and chocolate shakes.
But seriously? I see how other
people live- they smoke, drink excessively, eat junk food as their staple diet…
they don’t have cancer. It doesn’t
really seem fair. But then, I guess there were never any guarantees about
fairness when I signed up for life on planet Earth.
So enough whining (for this moment anyway). This is where it is.
Early this year, I felt a lump in my right breast. Ever the optimist, I assumed a cyst or something
benign like that. I finally went to my
doctor in March and she recommended a mammogram and an ultrasound. Still unworried, I went to these
appointments. My first twinge of concern came when the ultrasound showed this
big, black tentacled monster thing in my boob.
This is basically what I imagined was living in there:
I Googled tentacled monster and this image came up.
Courtesy of http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs40/i/2009/048/5/0/Tentacled_Monster_by_zapperoni.jpg
Courtesy of http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs40/i/2009/048/5/0/Tentacled_Monster_by_zapperoni.jpg
This twinge was confirmed when the ultrasound doctor came in and was
very concerned and caring. The reason
this freaked me out is because looking at him I could tell he was the “typical
scientist”- not unfriendly or unkind, but business like and probably just a
little reserved. When you get concerned
eye contact and arm patting from a scientist, it sets off some warning bells…
Next step: Needle biopsy.
I pride myself on not being scared of needles- I’m just not.
I’ve donated blood, received injections, given injections, all stuff needle-related is no issue. So when they recommended a needle biopsy on the lump, I
thought no big deal- I even told my husband “No reason for you to go, it will
only take a few minutes and it’s just a needle for cripes’ sake.”
Famous. Last. Words.
What they failed to tell me is that the more correct term
for the procedure I was getting is Core Biopsy.
Core Biopsy… inherently different from a needle. Think ice-cores, treecores, even an apple corer and you can see the difference. Well, I didn’t know any of this when I
waltzed into the surgeon’s office all proud and brave. Here is a photo of the device used to “harvest”
3 samples:
![]() |
Celero breast biopsy device |
I laid on my hands so that I wouldn’t slap the surgeon.
Yeah. So not a needle.
As Lou Reed aptly put it:
“Then I guess she had to crash,
Valium would have helped that bash…
She said, "Hey babe, take a
walk on the wild side"
Walk on the wild side indeed. They do give you a local anesthetic, but it really doesn't reach in to where this cutting dagger goes. Let's just say I screamed bloody murder and then burst into uncontrollable tears. and then they had to do it 2 more times...
After regaining
my composure and drying my hysterical tears, I was able to walk out with my
dignity and my boob mostly intact.
Take home lesson:
NEVER go to a biopsy appointment without
your support person.
Tomorrow I will post the subsequent scenarios, as this is a
pretty long story!
Stay happy. Stay healthy. And check your boobs- seriously.
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